''' export_playlist.py This is the helper script that exports old playlist databases to be reimported by the new database later. ''' import argparse from decimal import Decimal, getcontext import json import mimetypes import os import sqlite3 import sys import unicodedata import magic def scrub(text): ''' Forcing a Unicode NFC normalization to remove combining marks that mess with certain Python fucntions. ''' if text: return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', text) return None def detect_mime(path): ''' Guess a file's mimetype from it's magic number. If inconclusive, then guess based on it's file extension. ''' mimetype = magic.from_file(path, mime=True) if mimetype == 'application/octet-stream': return mimetypes.guess_type(path, strict=True)[0] return mimetype def adapt_decimal(number): '''Sqlite3 adapter for Decimal types''' return str(number) def convert_decimal(text): '''Sqlite3 converter for Decimal types''' return float(text.decode('utf8')) def import_sqlite3(db_file): ''' Imports a playlist from an SQLite3 database file and exports to a JSON file. ''' totals = { 'albums': 0, 'artists': 0, 'games': 0, 'songs': 0, 'jingles': 0 } if not os.path.isfile(db_file): raise FileNotFoundError detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES con = sqlite3.connect(db_file, detect_types=detect_types) cur = con.cursor() # Fetching albums first albums = list() for album in con.execute('SELECT title, enabled FROM albums'): albums.append({ 'title': scrub(album[0]), 'disabled': not bool(album[1]) }) totals['albums'] += 1 print('Exported {} albums'.format(str(totals['albums']))) # Next up, artists artists = list() artist_query = 'SELECT alias, firstname, lastname, enabled FROM artists' for artist in con.execute(artist_query): artists.append({ 'alias': scrub(artist[0]) or '', 'first_name': scrub(artist[1]) or '', 'last_name': scrub(artist[2]) or '', 'disabled': not bool(artist[3]) }) totals['artists'] += 1 print('Exported {} artists'.format(str(totals['artists']))) # On to games games = list() for game in con.execute('SELECT title, enabled FROM games'): games.append({ 'title': scrub(game[0]), 'disabled': not bool(game[1]) }) totals['games'] += 1 print('Exported {} games'.format(str(totals['games']))) # Now the songs songs = list() songs_query = '''SELECT songs.songs_id AS id, games.title AS game, albums.title AS album, songs.enabled AS enabled, songs.type AS type, songs.title AS title, songs.length AS length, songs.path AS path FROM songs LEFT JOIN games ON (songs.game = games.games_id) LEFT JOIN albums ON (songs.album = albums.albums_id)''' cur.execute(songs_query) old_songs = cur.fetchall() for song in old_songs: # Deal with the list of artists song_artists = list() song_artist_query = '''SELECT ifnull(alias, "") AS alias, ifnull(firstname, "") AS firstname, ifnull(lastname, "") AS lastname FROM artists WHERE artists_id IN (SELECT artists_artists_id FROM songs_have_artists WHERE songs_songs_id = ?)''' cur.execute(song_artist_query, [song[0]]) song_artist_results = cur.fetchall() for artist in song_artist_results: song_artists.append({ 'alias': scrub(artist[0]), 'first_name': scrub(artist[1]), 'last_name': scrub(artist[2]) }) store = {'path': scrub(song[7]), 'mime': detect_mime(scrub(song[7])), 'filesize': os.stat(scrub(song[7])).st_size, 'length': song[6]} songs.append({'album': scrub(song[2]), 'artists': song_artists, 'game': scrub(song[1]), 'disabled': not bool(song[3]), 'type': song[4], 'title': scrub(song[5]), 'store': store}) if song[4] == 'S': totals['songs'] += 1 else: totals['jingles'] += 1 print('Exported {} requestables ({} songs, {} jingles)'.format( str(totals['songs'] + totals['jingles']), str(totals['songs']), str(totals['jingles']) )) return {'albums': albums, 'artists': artists, 'games': games, 'songs': songs} def main(): '''Main loop of the program''' getcontext().prec = 8 sqlite3.register_adapter(Decimal, adapt_decimal) sqlite3.register_converter("decimal", convert_decimal) description = 'Exports old playlist to a file for reimporting later.' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command') parser_sqlite3 = subparsers.add_parser( 'sqlite3', help='Imports old Sqlite3 database.' ) parser_sqlite3.add_argument( 'db_file', help='Path to the sqlite3 database file.', nargs=1 ) if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.stderr.write('Error: please specify a command\n\n') parser.print_help(sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) results = None args = parser.parse_args() if args.command == 'sqlite3': results = import_sqlite3(args.db_file[0]) if results: with open('playlist.json', 'w', encoding='utf8') as file: json.dump(results, file, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, indent=4) if __name__ == '__main__': main()