from django.db.models.signals import post_save, pre_save from django.dispatch import receiver from django.utils import timezone from core.utils import naturalize from .models import Album, Artist, Game, Song @receiver(pre_save, sender=Album) @receiver(pre_save, sender=Artist) @receiver(pre_save, sender=Game) @receiver(pre_save, sender=Song) def update_sorted_fields(sender, instance, **kwargs): """ Whenever the name or title of a radio model object is created/modified, we want to make sure we update the sorted field with the naturalized data for sorting. """ if sender == Artist: instance.sorted_full_name = naturalize(instance.full_name) else: instance.sorted_title = naturalize(instance.title) @receiver(post_save, sender=Album) @receiver(post_save, sender=Artist) @receiver(post_save, sender=Game) @receiver(post_save, sender=Song) def cascade_disable(sender, instance, created, update_fields, **kwargs): """ If a radio object is disabled, be sure to update other objects that are linked to it. """ if update_fields: if 'disabled' not in update_fields: return if instance.disabled: time = if sender == Artist: title = instance.full_name else: title = instance.title reason = '{} "{}" was disabled.'.format(sender.__name__, title) else: time = None reason = '' # The multiple _as_queryset's below are used to get around a # potential infinite loop from the signal. Using .update() does not # trigger it. # Disabling/Enabling an album does the same to all linked songs if sender == Album: album_songs = Song.objects.filter(album=instance) album_songs.update(disabled=instance.disabled, disabled_date=time, disabled_reason=reason) # Disabling/Enabling an artist will only affect songs in which they # are the only artist. if sender == Artist: for song in Song.objects.filter(artists=instance): if song.artists.count() == 1: song_as_queryset = Song.objects.filter( song_as_queryset.update(disabled=instance.disabled, disabled_date=time, disabled_reason=reason) # Disabling/Enabling an game does the same to all linked songs if sender == Game: game_songs = Song.objects.filter(game=instance) game_songs.update(disabled=instance.disabled, disabled_date=time, disabled_reason=reason) # Disabling a song does nothing, but enabling a song will enable all # linked albums, artists, and games. if sender == Song: if not instance.disabled: album_as_queryset = Album.objects.filter( album_as_queryset.update(disabled=instance.disabled, disabled_date=time, disabled_reason=reason) instance.artists.all().update(disabled=instance.disabled, disabled_date=time, disabled_reason=reason) game_as_queryset = Album.objects.filter( game_as_queryset.update(disabled=instance.disabled, disabled_date=time, disabled_reason=reason)