from decimal import * import os import sqlite3 from import BaseCommand, CommandError from radio.models import Album, Artist, Game, Song getcontext().prec = 8 def adapt_decimal(d): return str(d) def convert_decimal(s): return Decimal(s.decode('utf8')) sqlite3.register_adapter(Decimal, adapt_decimal) sqlite3.register_converter("decimal", convert_decimal) class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Imports the old radio data from the original sqlite3 database' def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('sqlite3_db_file', nargs=1) def handle(self, *args, **options): if not os.path.isfile(options['sqlite3_db_file'][0]): raise CommandError('File does not exist') else: total_albums = 0 total_artists = 0 total_games = 0 total_songs = 0 total_jingles = 0 detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES con = sqlite3.connect(options['sqlite3_db_file'][0], detect_types=detect_types) cur = con.cursor() # Fetching albums first for album in con.execute('SELECT title, enabled FROM albums'): album_disabled = not bool(album[1]) Album.objects.create(title=album[0], disabled=album_disabled) total_albums += 1 self.stdout.write('Imported {} albums'.format(str(total_albums))) # Next up, artists cur.execute('''SELECT artists_id, alias, firstname, lastname, enabled FROM artists''') artists = cur.fetchall() for artist in artists: artist_disabled = not bool(artist[4]) Artist.objects.create(alias=artist[1] or '', first_name=artist[2] or '', last_name=artist[3] or '', disabled=artist_disabled) total_artists += 1 self.stdout.write('Imported {} artists'.format(str(total_artists))) # On to games for game in con.execute('SELECT title, enabled FROM games'): game_disabled = not bool(game[1]) Game.objects.create(title=game[0], disabled=game_disabled) total_games += 1 self.stdout.write('Imported {} games'.format(str(total_games))) # Followed by the songs cur.execute('''SELECT songs.songs_id AS id, games.title AS game, albums.title AS album, songs.enabled AS enabled, songs.type AS type, songs.title AS title, songs.length AS length, songs.path AS path FROM songs LEFT JOIN games ON ( = games.games_id) LEFT JOIN albums ON (songs.album = albums.albums_id)''') songs = cur.fetchall() for song in songs: try: album = Album.objects.get(title__exact=song[2]) except Album.DoesNotExist: album = None try: game = Game.objects.get(title__exact=song[1]) except Game.DoesNotExist: game = None song_disabled = not bool(song[3]) new_song = Song.objects.create(album=album, game=game, disabled=song_disabled, song_type=song[4], title=song[5], length=song[6], path=song[7]) if song[4] == 'S': total_songs += 1 else: total_jingles += 1 cur.execute('''SELECT ifnull(alias, "") AS alias, ifnull(firstname, "") AS firstname, ifnull(lastname, "") AS lastname FROM artists WHERE artists_id IN (SELECT artists_artists_id FROM songs_have_artists WHERE songs_songs_id = ?)''', [song[0]]) old_artists = cur.fetchall() for old_artist in old_artists: new_artist = Artist.objects.get(alias__exact=old_artist[0], first_name__exact=old_artist[1], last_name__exact=old_artist[2]) new_song.artists.add(new_artist) self.stdout.write( 'Imported {} requestables ({} songs, {} jingles)'.format( str(total_songs + total_jingles), str(total_songs), str(total_jingles) ) ) pub = input('Do you want to publish all imported objects as well? ' '[Y/N] ') if pub == 'Y' or pub == 'y': for al in Album.objects.all(): al.publish() for ar in Artist.objects.all(): ar.publish() for g in Game.objects.all(): g.publish() for s in Song.objects.all(): s.publish() self.stdout.write('Published imported objects successfully') else: self.stdout.write('Skipped publishing songs')