from django.contrib import messages from django.forms import inlineformset_factory from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render from django.utils import timezone from core.utils import create_success_message, quantify def change_m2m_items(request, queryset, parent_model, m2m_field, child_field, calling_function, remove=False): through_model = getattr(parent_model, m2m_field) ItemFormSet = inlineformset_factory(parent_model, through_model.through, fields=(child_field,), can_delete=False, extra=10,) # If we clicked Submit, then continue. . . if 'apply' in request.POST: # Fill the formset with values from the POST request item_formset = ItemFormSet(request.POST) # Will only returned "cleaned_data" if form is valid, so check if item_formset.is_valid(): # Remove the empty form data from the list data = list(filter(None, item_formset.cleaned_data)) for child in data: for parent in queryset: through = getattr(parent, m2m_field) if request.POST['removal'] == 'True': through.remove(child[child_field]) else: through.add(child[child_field]) # Return with informative success message and counts message = create_success_message(parent_model, queryset.count(), through_model.field.related_model, len(data), request.POST['removal'] == 'True') messages.success(request, message) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.get_full_path()) else: messages.error(request, "See below for errors in the form.") # . . .otherwise, create empty formset. else: item_formset = ItemFormSet() return render(request, 'admin/change_m2m_intermediate.html', {'calling_function': calling_function, 'parent_queryset': queryset, 'item_formset': item_formset, 'parent_model': parent_model, 'child_model': through_model.field.related_model, 'is_removal': remove, }) def publish_items(request, queryset): rows_updated = queryset.update( message = quantify(rows_updated, queryset.model) messages.success(request, '{} successfully published.'.format(message))