# Generated by Django 2.0 on 2017-12-28 15:16 from django.db import migrations, models def default_settings(apps, schema_editor): SETTING_TYPES = {'Integer': 0, 'Float': 1, 'String': 2, 'Bool': 3} Setting = apps.get_model('core', 'Setting') db_alias = schema_editor.connection.alias Setting.objects.using(db_alias).bulk_create([ Setting(name='max_song_requests', description='The maximum amount of requests a user can have ' 'queued at any given time. This restriction does ' 'not apply to users who are designated as staff.', setting_type=SETTING_TYPES['Integer'], data='5'), Setting(name='min_ratings_for_variance', description='The minimum amount of ratings for the rating ' 'variance to take effect on the replay ratios.', setting_type=SETTING_TYPES['Integer'], data='5'), Setting(name='rating_variance_ratio', description='The range in which the replay ratio can be ' 'adjusted due to profile ratings.', setting_type=SETTING_TYPES['Float'], data='0.20'), Setting(name='replay_ratio', description='This defines how long before a song can be ' 'played/requested again once it\'s been played. ' 'The ratio is based on the total song length of ' 'all the enabled, requestable songs in the radio ' 'playlist. Example: If the total song length of ' 'the radio playlist is 432000 seconds (5 days), ' 'then a ratio of 0.75 will mean that a song ' 'cannot be played again for 324000 seconds ' '(0.75 * 432000 = 324000 seconds = 3 days, 18 ' 'hours).', setting_type=SETTING_TYPES['Float'], data='0.75'), Setting(name='songs_per_jingle', description='The amount of songs that will be played between ' 'jingles.', setting_type=SETTING_TYPES['Integer'], data='30'), ]) class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('core', '0002_create_dj_user'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunPython(default_settings), ]