from datetime import timedelta from decimal import * from random import randint from django.db import models from django.utils import timezone from core.utils import get_setting from .models import Song # Set decimal precision getcontext().prec = 16 def get_playlist_length(): """ Total length of available songs in the playlist (in seconds). """ songs = return songs.aggregate(models.Sum('length'))['length__sum'] def get_waittime(): """ Default length in seconds before a song can be played again. This is based on the replay ratio set in the application settings. """ waittime = get_playlist_length() * Decimal(get_setting('replay_ratio')) return waittime.quantize(Decimal('.01'), rounding=ROUND_UP) def get_next_allowed_play_time(song): """ Length of time in seconds before a song can be played again. """ if not song.last_played: return Decimal('0.00') waittime = get_waittime() nextplay = song.last_played + timedelta(seconds=float(waittime)) current = (nextplay - return Decimal(current if current > 0 else 0).quantize(Decimal('.01'), rounding=ROUND_UP)