%include "secrets.liq" set("init.daemon", true) set("init.daemon.change_user", true) set("init.daemon.change_user.group", "liquidsoap") set("init.daemon.change_user.user", "liquidsoap") set("init.daemon.pidfile", true) set("init.daemon.pidfile.path", pid_file) set("log.file", true) set("log.file.path", log_file) set("log.stdout", true) set("log.level", 4) set("server.telnet", false) set("scheduler.generic_queues", 5) set("scheduler.fast_queues", 3) set("scheduler.non_blocking_queues", 3) set("audio.converter.samplerate.libsamplerate.quality", "best") security = single(id="default", fallback_audio) # Tweaked custom crossfade to deal with jingles.. def smart_cross(~start_next=5.,~fade_in=3.,~fade_out=3., ~default=(fun (a,b) -> sequence([a, b])), ~high=-15., ~medium=-32., ~margin=4., ~width=2.,~conservative=false,s) fade.out = fade.out(type="sin", duration=fade_out) fade.in = fade.in(type="sin", duration=fade_in) add = fun (a,b) -> add(normalize=false, [b, a]) log = log(label="smart_cross") def transition(a,b,ma,mb,sa,sb) list.iter(fun(x)-> log(level=4, "Before: #{x}"), ma) list.iter(fun(x)-> log(level=4, "After : #{x}"), mb) if ma["type"] == "J" or mb["type"] == "J" then log("Old or new file is a jingle: sequenced transition.") sequence([sa, sb]) elsif # Do not fade if it's already very low. b >= a + margin and a <= medium and b <= high then log("new >= old + margin, old <= medium and new <= high.") log("Do not fade if it's already very low.") log("Transition: crossed, no fade.") add(sa, sb) # What to do with a loud end and a quiet beginning ? # A good idea is to use a jingle to separate the two tracks, # but that's another story. else # Otherwise, A and B are just too loud to overlap nicely, # or the difference between them is too large and overlapping would # completely mask one of them. # log("No transition: using default.") # default(sa, sb) log("Transition: crossed, fade-in, fade-out.") add(fade.out(sa), fade.in(sb)) end end cross(width=width, duration=start_next, conservative=conservative, transition,s) end def get_http_data(headers, url) = if string.contains(prefix='https', url) then let (status, _, data) = https.get(headers=headers, url) let (_, status_code, _) = status (status_code, data) else let (status, _, data) = http.get(headers=headers, url) let (_, status_code, _) = status (status_code, data) end end def post_http_data(headers, postdata, url) = if string.contains(prefix='https', url) then let (status, _, data) = https.post(headers=headers, data=postdata, url) let (_, status_code, _) = status (status_code, data) else let (status, _, data) = http.post(headers=headers, data=postdata, url) let (_, status_code, _) = status (status_code, data) end end def next_song() = log = log(label="next_song") log("Requesting the next song from #{url_next}") let (status_code, data) = get_http_data(api_headers_next, url_next) log(data) if status_code == 200 then request.create(data) else request.create(fallback_annotate) end end def change_meta(m) = log = log(label="change_meta") artist = m["artist"] game = m["game"] title = m["title"] log("Request ID: "^string.quote(m["req_id"])) log("Artist: #{artist} -- Game: #{game} -- Title: #{title}") [("artist","#{artist}"), ("title","#{title} [#{game}]"), ("req_id",m["req_id"]), ("type",m["type"]), ("game",m["game"]), ("replay_gain",m["replay_gain"])] end def just_played(m) = log = log(label="just_played") if m["req_id"] != "" then log('Letting server know we played request ID #{m["req_id"]} here: #{url_played}') played_song = json_of(compact=true, [("song_request", int_of_string(m["req_id"]))]) let (status_code, data) = post_http_data(api_headers_played, played_song, url_played) if status_code == 204 then log('Successfully reported that the song was played.') else log('Error while reporting the song was played: #{data}') end else log("No request ID! Stream just started or there are other problems.") end end radio = request.dynamic(id="main", default_duration=120., length=60., next_song) radio = map_metadata(update=false, change_meta, radio) radio = on_metadata(id="main", just_played, radio) radio = amplify(1., override="replay_gain", radio) radio = smart_cross(radio) radio = fallback(track_sensitive=false, [radio, security]) output.icecast(%mp3, encoding="UTF-8", protocol="http", name=radio_name, description=radio_description, genre=radio_genre, url=radio_url_main, host=stream_address, port=stream_port, password=stream_password, mount="stream128.mp3", radio) output.icecast(%vorbis(samplerate=44100, channels=2, quality=0.4), encoding="UTF-8", protocol="http", name=radio_name, description=radio_description, genre=radio_genre, url=radio_url_main, host=stream_address, port=stream_port, password=stream_password, mount="stream128.ogg", radio) output.icecast(%vorbis(samplerate=44100, channels=2, quality=0.0), encoding="UTF-8", protocol="http", name=radio_name, description=radio_description, genre=radio_genre, url=radio_url_main, host=stream_address, port=stream_port, password=stream_password, mount="stream64.ogg", radio)