import pytest from pyebur128 import ( ChannelType, MeasurementMode, R128State, get_loudness_range ) import soundfile as sf def get_single_loudness_range(filename): '''Open the WAV file and get the loudness range.''' with sf.SoundFile(filename) as wav: state = R128State(wav.channels, wav.samplerate, MeasurementMode.MODE_LRA) if wav.channels == 5: state.set_channel(0, ChannelType.LEFT) state.set_channel(1, ChannelType.RIGHT) state.set_channel(2, ChannelType.CENTER) state.set_channel(3, ChannelType.LEFT_SURROUND) state.set_channel(4, ChannelType.RIGHT_SURROUND) for sample in state.add_frames(sample, 1) loudness = get_loudness_range(state) del state return loudness def test_loudness_range(r128_test_data): '''Test for the loudness range value of a single file. NOTE: the tests have a second unused value of the exact expected value. We are choosing to ignore this for now since it's overkill for most needs. HOWEVER--passing the tests does not mean that the library is 100% EBU R 128 compliant either! ''' expected = [ ('seq-3342-1-16bit.wav', 10.0, 1.0001105488329134e+01), ('seq-3342-2-16bit.wav', 5.0, 4.9993734051522178e+00), ('seq-3342-3-16bit.wav', 20.0, 1.9995064067783115e+01), ('seq-3342-4-16bit.wav', 15.0, 1.4999273937723455e+01), ('seq-3341-7_seq-3342-5-24bit.wav', 5.0, 4.9747585878473721e+00), ('seq-3341-2011-8_seq-3342-6-24bit-v02.wav', 15.0, 1.4993650849123316e+01), # noqa ] tolerance = 1 status_msg = '==== \'{}\': want {} \u00b1 {} ---> ' print('\n') for test in expected: print(status_msg.format(test[0], test[1], tolerance), end='') result = get_single_loudness_range(r128_test_data / test[0]) print('got {} '.format(round(result, 1)), end='') assert (round(result, 1) <= test[1] + tolerance and round(result, 1) >= test[1] - tolerance) print('---> PASSED!')