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2021-03-21 23:37:47 +00:00
import pytest
from pyebur128 import (
ChannelType, MeasurementMode, R128State,
get_loudness_global, get_loudness_global_multiple
import soundfile as sf
def get_single_loudness(filename):
'''Open the WAV file and get the global loudness.'''
with sf.SoundFile(filename) as wav:
state = R128State(wav.channels, wav.samplerate, MeasurementMode.MODE_I)
2021-03-21 23:37:47 +00:00
if wav.channels == 5:
state.set_channel(0, ChannelType.LEFT)
state.set_channel(1, ChannelType.RIGHT)
state.set_channel(2, ChannelType.CENTER)
state.set_channel(3, ChannelType.LEFT_SURROUND)
state.set_channel(4, ChannelType.RIGHT_SURROUND)
2021-03-21 23:37:47 +00:00
for sample in
state.add_frames(sample, 1)
loudness = get_loudness_global(state)
return state, loudness
def test_loudness_global_single(r128_test_data, r128_states):
'''Test for the global loudness value of a single file.
NOTE: the tests have a second unused value of the exact expected value. We
are choosing to ignore this for now since it's overkill for most needs.
HOWEVER--passing the tests does not mean that the library is 100% EBU R 128
compliant either!
expected = [
('seq-3341-1-16bit.wav', -23.0, -2.2953556442089987e+01),
('seq-3341-2-16bit.wav', -33.0, -3.2959860397340044e+01),
('seq-3341-3-16bit-v02.wav', -23.0, -2.2995899818255047e+01),
('seq-3341-4-16bit-v02.wav', -23.0, -2.3035918615414182e+01),
('seq-3341-5-16bit-v02.wav', -23.0, -2.2949997446096436e+01),
('seq-3341-6-5channels-16bit.wav', -23.0, -2.3017157781104373e+01),
('seq-3341-6-6channels-WAVEEX-16bit.wav', -23.0, -2.3017157781104373e+01), # noqa
('seq-3341-7_seq-3342-5-24bit.wav', -23.0, -2.2980242495081757e+01),
('seq-3341-2011-8_seq-3342-6-24bit-v02.wav', -23.0, -2.3009077718930545e+01), # noqa
tolerance = 0.1
status_msg = '==== \'{}\': want {} \u00b1 {} ---> '
for test in expected:
print(status_msg.format(test[0], test[1], tolerance), end='')
result = get_single_loudness(r128_test_data / test[0])
r128_states[test[0]] = result[0]
print('got {} '.format(round(result[1], 1)), end='')
assert (round(result[1], 1) <= test[1] + tolerance and
round(result[1], 1) >= test[1] - tolerance)
print('---> PASSED!')
def test_loudness_global_multiple(r128_states):
'''Test for the global loudness value across multiple files.'''
states = list(r128_states.values())
expected = -23.18758
tolerance = 0.05
print('\n==== want {} \u00b1 {} ---> '.format(expected, tolerance), end='')
result = get_loudness_global_multiple(states)
print('got {} '.format(round(result, 5)), end='')
assert (round(result, 5) >= expected - tolerance and
round(result, 5) <= expected + tolerance)
print('---> PASSED!')
r128_states = []