# dotfiles My personalized set of configurations. ## alacritty I'll add more themes as I try them out. I use Hack Nerd Font as it has been a solid choice for many years. ### Requirements - [Hack Nerd Font](https://www.nerdfonts.com/) ### Setup ``` $ cp -r alacritty/ ~/.config/. $ ln -s ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty-.toml ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml ``` ## nvim (Neovim) Here are the plugins I'm currently using: - [lazy](https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim) - Neovim plugin manager. - [autopairs](https://github.com/windwp/nvim-autopairs) - "Autopairs" parentheses/brackets/braces/etc. - [cmp](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp) - Autocompletion. - [colorizer](https://github.com/norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua) - Syntax highlighting. - [conform](https://github.com/stevearc/conform.nvim) - Autoformatting. - [gitsigns](https://github.com/lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim) - Git integration within buffer. - [indent-blankline](https://github.com/lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim) - Indentation guides. - [lspconfig](https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig) - Quick setup for LSP. - [lualine](https://github.com/nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim) - Helpful status line. - [mason](https://github.com/williamboman/mason.nvim) - Plugin manager specific to external tools (LSP/linters/formatters/etc.) - [neo-tree](https://github.com/nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim) - File manager. - [telescope](https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim) - Fuzzy finder. - [toggleterm](https://github.com/akinsho/toggleterm.nvim) - Terminal switcher. - [tree-sitter](https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter) - Syntax parsing for opened files. ### Requirements - [luarocks](https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks) - npm ### Setup A couple of the plugins need some Node.JS packages installed first. ``` $ sudo npm install -g tree-sitter tree-sitter-cli typescript typescript-language-server ``` ## pipewire These are used primarily on non-systemd setups. ### Requirements - [pipewire-pulse](https://docs.pipewire.org/page_man_pipewire-pulse_1.html) - [wireplumber](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pipewire/wireplumber) ### Setup ``` $ cp -r pipewire ~/.config/. ``` ## starship I use the same theme for all my terminals, but change the color based on the machine. ### Requirements - [Hack Nerd Font](https://www.nerdfonts.com/) ### Setup ``` $ cp starship/starship-.toml ~/.config/starship.toml ``` ## tmux Very minimal for now. ### Requirements None. ### Setup ``` $ cp -r tmux/ ~/.config/. ``` ## wireplumber Usually you don't need anything specific in the wireplumber setup, but I have custom bluetooth configurations for my headsets. ### Requirements None. ### Setup ``` $ cp -r wireplumber ~/.config/. ```